Progressiveness and the Apathy of Politics

3 min readOct 26, 2020
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The definition of “politics” as listed in the Oxford dictionary says simply: “The activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the data or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.” Political association of any human population, or group, no matter the political party you affiliate with, grows apathy and denounces legitimacy in the individual’s life. Our unstable culture in the United States is derived from multiple factors, and valid standpoints, that are worth more than a political party label. Those who cognitively see things in such black and white terms, in regards to party shaming or presumptuous affiliations, disregards one’s longing to understand another’s perspective. There is no good intent on either side.

The Black Lives Matter movement is the most surreal, empathetic, legitimate movement that this country currently has. It is an accumulation of families, mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers who have had mutual experiences surrounding their longing for spiritual prosperity in a country they innocently obtained. No amount of party-labeling can legitimize, or delegitimize, their stance. Creating such obscurities in an emotional state causes gaslighting and cognitive dissonance. It does not call for an argument, and it does not call for politics. It calls for change.

I opt for the term “Racism” to add to its meaning. The disbelief of a pure “Aryan” race superior to other ethnic backgrounds. These notions were set in place by communist leaders, who did not just opt for superiority, but opted for singularity. This pseudoscience planted a seed in individuals who are beyond atheist or political affiliation. They lurk in the shadows. They are murderers, psychopaths, and inhumane. Racism is more than discrimination, it is more than being prejudice, and it is more than an emotional upbringing regarding the color of your skin. It is a word identifying the mess that white communists created.

I ask everybody, from both parties, to imagine two white men who are currently in their mid-70s, and ask yourselves if they could have indoctrinated racism imbedded in their subconscious, and then ask yourself another question — Does labeling a band aid of political affiliation change their morals?

Republicans — You feel like the entire country is at stake, and as you accept BLM, you cannot accept them as being their political party, so you trash the entire movement to support your own party. Democrats — Change needs to happen, the confederacy needs to finally end, and people need to learn about racism. It is embarrassing that human rights issues are politicized to sway voters left and right. I applaud BLM to continue fighting until they are the one on the pedestal. Republicans also need to grow up and realize that black people built the country they are living in, and there is nothing that can take their pain away or delegitimize what they stand for.

Our goal should be human unity and acceptance. Police Officers are doing a terrible job. Political leaders are not doing enough. Our entire country is at a calling for change, and if you see black people crying over the loss of their brothers and sisters, and have the audacity to strike a political conversation on camera, you are the problem. Nobody should be taking the stand but those who have suffered.




Informal blogger relating to outsider political opinions separating psychological defects of American politics and possible solutions to current affairs.